E-Bardak.Com won't use, sell or give to third parties your name, e-mail adress, work or home adress, your phone number and other your personal datas. This fixed policy of our company.

    E-Bardak.Com will use personal information only with these purposes: Send printed publications/correspondence, send press releases and notifications with e-mail, evaluate your empoyment requests, deliver your orders. Only E-Bardak employee or third party representer of E-Bardak.com can reach your personal konwledges. These knowledges will use on develop E-Bardak.com and get more information about customers without give any knowledge to any other person outside of these terms.

    All these information copyrights reserved for E-Bardak.com. If you go another website from this site we dont guarantee about Privacy Policies of other sites. So you can see some differences about Privacy Policies. We recommend that you must read Privacy Policy pages of other websites before giving personal information.


    Managemant of E-Bardak.Com